Demand for arrest and punishment of destroyers of aman crop of indigenous people in Naogaon

Hill Voice, 22 September 2020, Naogaon: Jatiya Adivasi Parishad has organised human chain and submitted a memorandum to Deputy Commissioner demanding arrest of destroyers of 8 bighas of aman paddy planted by indigenous people by applying poison to crops at Uttar Chokbeni village of Badalgachhi in Naogaon district.

The human chain was held by the Naogaon District Committee of Jatiya Adivasi Parishad on 22 September 2020 Tuesday with Noren Chandra Pahan, convener of Naogaon district committee of Jatiya Adivasi Parishad, in the chair.

Rabindranath Soren, President of Jatiya Adivasi Parishad central committee, Sabin Chandra Munda, general secretary, Sudhir Tirkey, treasurer, Finance Secretary, Subhash Chandra Hembram, office secretary, Dilip Pahan, President of Jatiya Adivasi Chatra Parishad, Tarun Munda, general Secretary, Dilip Pahan, Assistant Organizing Secretary, Joynal Abedin Mukul, Coordinator of Basad Naogaon District, Adv. Shahid Hasan Siddiqui Swapan, President of Workers Party of Bangladesh Naogaon district.

Speakers at the human chain said that the land robbers have filed eight false cases against the indigenous people for destroying 8 bighas of aman paddy in Badalgachhi’s Chawkbeni by applying poison. The speakers demanded the immediate withdrawal of the 8 false cases and removal of officer-in-charge of Badalgachhi police station as he took the side of the land grabbers.

Speakers warned that a greater movement would be called if the false cases against the indigenous people of Chokbeni were not withdrawn and compensation will not be provided.

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