A disabled boy tortured by the army in Sajek

Hill Voice, 31 December 2021, Rangamati: A 12-year-old mentally and speech-impaired child has been arrested and tortured by the army in Sajek of Baghaichari upazila under Rangamati district.

The incident took place on the afternoon of December 30, 2021 (Thursday).

The victim was identified as Nobel Chakma (12), son of Bindu Kumar Chakma, of Shuknochara Jammuro Para of Ward No. 4 of Sajek Union. He can’t speak well. He is suffering from mental health problems. The boy’s father is also suffering from an epilepsy.

According to local sources, the victim, Nobel Chakma, was walking on the road in Shuknochara area at around 3:00 pm yesterday. At that time, a group of army came there in a pickup and took him to Baghaihat zone. After being taken there, he was subjected to inhuman physical torture.

After receiving the news, Dayadhan Chakma, a member of Ward No. 4 and elders of Jammuro Para went to the zone and informed the zone authorities that Nobel Chakma was mentally and speech-impaired boy.

But even then the army tried to label him an ‘extortionist’. After much discussion, about 5 hours later, at 8:00 pm, Nobel was released from the army zone. The phone number of Nobel’s guardian was kept by the zone authority at the time of release and condition was imposed that in case of extortion on the road, the zone should be informed by phone.

Source: CHT News

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