Human chain in Bandarban to protest the killing of Saizam Para in Barathali by Kuki-Chin terrorists

Hill Voice, July 3, 2022, Bandarban: A human chain was organized in front of the Mukta Mancha of Bandarban district headquarters today (Sunday, July 3) at 10 am by the Sachetan Nagorik Samaj of Bandarban Hill District, Tripura Students Forum and Bangladesh Tripura Kalyan Sangsad (BTKS) in protest of the shooting death of three people and injuring two children at Saijam Para in Bilaichari by the Kuki-Chin National Front (KNF) known as Bawm Party.

The event was chaired by Satyaha Panji, Member of Bandarban Hill District Council and moderated by Gabriel Tripura, Vice President of Bandarban District Branch of BTKS while addressed by Adviser of BTKA Dendoha Tripura, journalist Ujjal Tanchangya, Owatoi Tripura, Steve Tripura, Niran Tanchangya, Suresh Tripura and Margaret Tripura et al.

Hundreds of people from different walks of life took part in this hour-long human chain. At this time the people of Tripura community took part with banners and placards in their hands. Angry participants in the human chain protested by setting fire to the portraits of Nathan Bawm and Vanchunglian Bawm, the main gang leaders of the Bawm Party terrorists.

Speakers at the human chain said that the Kuki-Chin armed terrorist group shot dead three innocent villagers in Saizam Para and cut their throats with sharp knives on June 21. Two other children were injured in the incident.

Although 12 days have passed since the incident, the administration has not yet taken any action against the killer, the armed terrorist of Kuki-Chin Party. The people of Tripura will never accept such terrorist activities of Bawm Party. The speakers demanded that the administration launch a crackdown on Kuki-Chin terrorists immediately and bring them under the law and punish them.

After the rally, a memorandum was submitted to the Prime Minister demanding 7 points through the district administration.

The memorandum, signed by Advocate Khushiroy Tripura, President of Bandarban District Branch of Bangladesh Tripura Kalyan Sangsad and Sameeran Tripura, President of Bandarban District Branch of Bangladesh Tripura Students’ Forum, states, “We urge the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, to stop the so-called Cookie Chin National Front (KNF) from engaging with such a communal mindset, in such terrorist activities and brutal killings against the innocent people of Tripura.”

The 7 point demand in the memorandum include to stop such terrorist activities and atrocities that tarnish the image of the Bangladesh government; To bring the Bawm Party perpetrators involved in the brutal killings under the law and providing proper justice and maximum punishment through proper investigation; To compensate the families of those killed and injured; To provide adequate compensation for the treatment of the injured; To provide maximum security to the families of the killed and injured; To take necessary administrative steps to prevent the recurrence of such communal and undesirable incidents in the future, and To bring back the homeless and insecure residents of the areas of these brutal and terrorist attack to their villages etc.

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