Attack on vehicle carrying army-backed Mog Party men in Bandarban, 2 killed

Hill Voice, 24 September 2021, Bandarban: It is learnt that a vehicle carrying members of an armed terrorist group known as the army-backed Mog Party has reportedly come under armed attack in Rajvila under Bandarban. It is reported that five members of the Mog Party were injured in this attack and two of the five injured died later. A group of army personnel immediately rushed to the spot and rescued the injured members of the Mog Party and admitted them to Chandraghona Christian Missionary hospital. There were eight Mog Party members and four women in that vehicle.

According to the local sources Uching Mong Marma alias Khoilang alias Bogry (Bogry means supremo), Mongkya Ching Marma, Sabuj  Marma and other  commanders  of the Mog Party got marriage 6/7 months ago at Powaitu  Para in  Rajasthali Upazila of  Rangamati District. Most recently, others eight members of the Mog Party got marriage together.

Some of the newlyweds with their brides traveled from Powaitu Para in Rajasthali to the army’s Bogalake tourist centre in ruma upazila of Bandarban renting a jeep (locally known as ‘chander gari’). On their way back from Bogalake on Saturday, September 18, at 3.00 pm when they reached the Dak-Banglo area (Rangmati to Bandarban Road) of Kiuvo Para of Rajvila Union of Bandarban Sadar Upazila, the members of that Mog Party were attacked by the opponent group. It is learnt that five Mog Party members including two women were injured when the vehicle over turned. The sources confirmed that two members of 5 injured have died later. It is also reported that the two women injured were the wives of Mog Party commanders, namely, Monkya Ching Marma and Sabuj Marma.

The army said in a statement that two Marma women were injured when tribal terrorists opened fire on a tourist vehicle in Bandarban. However, Aa local karbari, who did not want to be named, said, the army promoting Mog Party members an ordinary tourist to cover up the name of the terrorists of their cherished Mog Party and to divert the incident into other direction.

The army blamed the JSS for the attack on the vehicle carrying members of the Mog Party. However, a responsible source of the JSS of Bandarban district denied it. The source mentioned that the army’s old tactic is to hold the JSS for any incident with the intention of repressing the members of the JSS.

A public representative of Gaindya Union, who did not want to be named said that, members of the armed Mog Party have recently kidnapped several innocent people under the auspices of the army and collected a large amount of ransom. With that ransom, members of the Mog Party are constructing house at Powaitu Para. With that ransom, 8 unmarried members of Mog Party got married together recently. Though Bogri Marma was married earlier, he got married for the second time 6/7 months later. The public representative said that, the newly married arms members of the Mog Party went to Bogalake to have fun in Ruma on September 18 with the money of the said extortion.

Notable incidents of kidnapping and collection of ransom by the Mog Party armed terrorists are the recent collection of ransom of TK 5 lakh after the abduction of a bamboo trader named Mithowai Rakhaine (56) from  Bangalhalia  in Rajasthali on 7 September 2021; collection of ransom of TK 5 lakh after abducting  a Jumma named Mong Thowai Nue Marma (52) from Bangalhalia bazaar on 28 august 2021; abduction of a micro bus driver named Shahin Tanchangya (26) and collection of ransom from  Ghilachari Union area of Rajasthali Upazila etc.

In addition, in all the surrounding villages including Kanajo Marma Para, Senoseprue Marma Para and Kayamrong Marma Para in the greater Baghmara area of Rajvila Union, the Mog Party terrorists raised TK 300-500 from each family to build their pacca camps in Powaitu Para, according to local sources. The people who are unable to pay the extirtion have been instructed to work unpaid for the construction of the camp.

It is also learnt that one of the purposes of going to Ruma in the name of tourism was to bring arms and ammunition from there. It is reported that there was an army escort in a separate vehicle on the way to Ruma from Powaitu Para, there was also an army escort during the way back. But the army escort was a little behind at the time of the incident. The army did not allow anyone to go to the spot after the incident to hide the incident. The army did not even allow anyone to take pictures.

Such naked support of army, extortion, kidnapping and collection of ransom, murder and robbery of the Mog Party has caused extreme anger in the people of Rajasthali. But no one is daring to open their mouths due to patronization of army and law enforcement and local Awami League leadership towards the Mog Party.

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