Army advises local leaders to cooperate with Mog party in Bangalhalia

Hill Voice, 23 April 2021, Rangamati: The army has called local Jumma and Bengali leaders and advised them to cooperate with the terrorist organization ‘Mog Liberation Party’ in Bangalhalia in Rajasthali upazila of Rangamati Hill District, a secret source reported. The army has also said that there will be difficulties if they do not cooperate.

The information of the meeting was received from several elders who participated there and did not want to be named.

According to the concerned sources, on April 19, 2021 at around 9:00 pm a secret meeting was organized by the army at the Bangalhalia army camp by calling some local Jumma and Bengali leaders of Rajasthali. Major Md Mahmud, 2IC of Kaptai Army Zone was present as the key speaker at the meeting.

At the meeting, 2IC Major Md. Mahmud told the local leaders directly that ‘the Mog Party is our organization. You have to keep the Mog Party alive and help them as much as you can.’ ‘If you don’t help the Mog party, there could be trouble at any time,’ he added.

It is to be mentioned that for a long time it has been known that the Mogh Party has an armed base in Poaitu Para area of ​​Gainda Union of Rajasthali Upazila. From the beginning, there are allegations that the local army and the local Awami League have been providing support and shelter to the Mog Party.

On April 19, 2021, at around 3:30 pm, on the way from Rajasthali to Bandarban, two members of the Mog Liberation Party, one of which was an Awami League union president, were arrested by the army and police at the Dolupara check post in Kuhalong union of Bandarban.

It may be mentioned that on the morning of 23rd December 2020, an emergency secret meeting of the representatives of the Mugh Party was held with the local army authorities under the leadership of Major Manzur of the Rajasthan Army’s 23rd Rajasthan Army Sadar Sub-Zone.

It may be mentioned that on the morning of 23rd December 2020, a secret emergency meeting of the representatives of the Mogh Party was reportedly held with the local army authorities under the leadership of Major Manzur of the Rajasthali Army Sadar Sub-Zone of 23 Bengal. The meeting was attended by a number of people including Sabuj Marma, Kathowai Marma as representatives of the Mog Party.

Major Manzur, commander of Rajasthali sub-zone in Rajasthali upazila of Rangamati district, told representatives of Mog Party, ‘We want dead bodies, show us corpses. We don’t know where you will get the dead bodies from.’

Major Manzur said in the meeting, ‘You are only 23 persons here. You can’t do any work. You are being killed again and again. You are just sitting and eating, carrying out extortion. You can’t do anything against Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS).’Major Manzur added, ‘Kill those supporters who work for PCJSS. You show us the dead bodies. We don’t know where you will get the dead bodies from.’

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