Santu Larma extends greetings to the countrymen on 23rd anniversary of CHT Accord

Hill Voice, 2 December 2020, Rangamati: On the historic occasion of the 23rd Anniversary of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Accord of 1997, President of the Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS), Jyotirindra Bodhipriya Larma (Santu Larma), extends heart-felt greetings to all the countrymen and the permanent residents of CHT belonging to Jumma and Bengali people. 

In his greeting message, Mr. Larma, also one of the signatories of the Accord, says, it is undoubtedly a historic day, an auspicious day for permanent residents of CHT. Yet there exists a question as to what extent this historic and auspicious day is well-corresponded to the overall situation of CHT. Since, all the matters of CHT including the general administration, law & order, development have been devolved to the military and intelligence authorities deployed in CHT and that the Jumma people are being administered, exploited, deprived and oppressed in colonial manner.

Santu Larma, also Chairman of the CHT Regional Council, further added that the CHT Accord was signed on 2 December 1997 aiming at proper resolution of the CHT crisis. It is due to non-implementation of the Accord precisely, even over prolonged 23 years, the overall situation of CHT has become unstable, worrying and disappointing today; and above all, the distance owing to disbelief and distrust between the rulers and ruled is getting widened gradually. The national life of Jumma people is overwhelmed with despair and despondency. Today, the Jumma people are distressed in thoughts of insecure and uncertain future. This aspect deserves to be pondered with special attention in greater interest of the nation. Hence, he calls upon the democratic, secular, progressive and leftist personalities, organizations and political parties, alongside the Jumma people, to exert more pragmatic role towards implementation of the Accord for the sake of greater interest of the country.

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