Journalist arrested for kidnapping a Hindu schoolgirl in Barguna, schoolgirl rescued

Hill Voice, October 4, 2020, Barguna: TV Barguna’s own reporter Police have arrested Md.Abdul Azim in connection with kidnapping a ninth grade schoolgirl.

On 3 October 2020, Saturday at around 4 am, Mahipur police raided the tourist area of ​​Kuakata and arrested him. The abducted girl was also rescued. Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Mahipur police Md. Moniruzzaman confirmed the matter.

According to sources, the father of the abducted schoolgirl filed a case against three people, including Samay TV journalist Abdul Azim, with Sadar Police Station in Barguna on the night of 2 October for abducting a ninth-grade girl, daughter of a Hindu textile trader in Barguna. Barguna police and Mahipur police arrested him from Kuakata tourist area on a tip-off.

OC of Mahipur police Md. Moniruzzaman said that a kidnapping case was filed against the arrested journalist Azim with Sadar Police Station in Barguna. The abducted girl was also rescued.

He added that Barguna Sadar Police Station has been informed after the arrest. He also said that the arrested accused Azim and the rescued schoolgirl will be handed over to Barguna Sadar Police Station.

Source: Barguna Barta

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