Human chain in Rajshahi over rape of indigenous girl

Hill Voice, 01 October 2020, Rajshahi: Adivasi Chhatra Parishad held a human chain program in front of Rajshahi Press Club at Rajshahi Saheb Bazar on 01 October 2020 at 11.00 am demanding the highest punishment of Father Pradip Gregory who raped an indigenous girl detaining for 3 days at Mundumala Church in Tanore of Rajshahi.

Adivasi Chhatra Parishad Central Committee President Nakul Pahan presided over event while Adivasi Chhatra Parishad Central Committee President Tarun Munda, Rajshahi College Committee President Sabitri Hembram, Jatiya Adivasi Parishad Central Committee Organizing Secretary Bimal Rajowar and Office Secretary Subhash Chandra Hembrum, central member Bibhuti Bhushan Mahato, Rajshahi eminent journalist and freedom fighter Prashanta Kumar Saha, Rajshahi University Folklore Department Associate Professor Amirul Islam Kanak, Shahjahan Ali Barjahan, Rajshahi District President of the 71 Ghatak Dalal Nirmul committee, Ridam Shahriar, Convener of the Socialist Student Front Rajshahi University Committee spoke in the demonstration.

Speakers at the human chain demanded highest punishment of Father Pradip Gregory who detained and raped an indigenous girl at Mundumala Church for three days from 26 to 28 September. At the same time, they demanded to appropriate punishment Mundumala High School headmaster Kamel Mardi. Because Kamel Mardi helped the rapist Father Pradip Gregory to escape from the scene. He has tried to cover up the matter by arbitration. The speakers also demanded the safety of the victim indigenous girl and her family.

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