An innocent Jumma detained and tortured by army in Kaptai

Hill Voice, 9 August 2020, Rangamati:  It has been alleged that today (9 August 2020) in the morning an innocent Jumma named Rupayan Chakma (45), s/o Batya Chakma was detained and severely injured in torture after detaining by the army in Raikhali of Kaptai upazila under Rangamati District.

Rupayan Chakma, the victim is a Jum cultivator and shopkeeper of a local tea stall and his house is at village of Tinchari Jumia Punorbason of Raikhali union.

According to local sources, today at about 11:00 am a group of army led by second lieutenant Mahabub of a new-set up army camp at Mitingachari para under Kaptai army zone of 23 E Bengal Regiment took Rupayan Chakma by force to the camp form his home.

The group of the army, taking Rupayan Chakma to the camp, beat severely by tying his eyes up and injured. Till writing the report ‍at around 7:00 pm, it has been known that Rupayan Chakma was released under custody of his father Baitya Chakma and local Karbari (village head) in wounded condition from army camp.

It’s learnt that Rupayan Chakma is known as an innocent person in the area. But none of the family could say on what allegation he was tortured and detained taking him to the camp.

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