19th Session of the UNPFII postponed

Hill Voice, 5 March 2020, New York:  On 5 March 2020, in light of the current concerns regarding coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Members of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) have decided to postpone its forthcoming 19th session, originally scheduled to take place on 13-24 April 2020, until a later date to be determined.

The Members of the Permanent Forum noted that they did not take this decision lightly but believe that this is the only responsible action to take in light of the extraordinary situation related to the COVID-19 outbreak and considering the high level of participation at the annual sessions of the Permanent Forum.

An additional factor is the already precarious health situation that many indigenous peoples live in, and the imperative to avoid adverse impacts.

UNPFII chairperson Anne Nuorgam sent a letter on 5 March to Ms. Mona Juul, President of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations informing the postponement of the session.

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