Four of a Buddhist family killed in Cox’s Bazaar

Hill Voice, 26 September 2019, Cox’s Bazaar:  Four members including an aged woman and two children of a Buddhist family were allegedly brutally killed in Ukhia upazila under Cox’s Bazaar district in Bangladesh. Police recovered the bodies of four members of the family from their own house at Purbo Ratnapalong, a mostly Buddhist populated village of the upazila on 26 September 2019. It is learnt that the owner of the house, Loken Barua is a Qatar expatriate.

The dead persons were identified as Loken Barua’s mother Sokhi Barua (62), Loken Barua’s wife Mila Barua (26), his son Anik Barua (6), and his nephew Soni Barua (5).

It is learnt that on 26 September 2019 at about 7:00am, Dipali Barua, one of Loken Barua’s neighbors went to Loken’s house to bring fish that she stored in his refrigerator. Having reached the Loken’s house, Dipali found the door locked. Even after knocking the door several times, she did not get any response from inside. Then, she looked through one of the windows of the house and saw slit-throated body of Sokhi Barua. Dipali immediately informed the other neighbors about the matter. The neighbors rushed to the spot and informed the police. After that police also rushed to the spot and recovered the bodies from two rooms of house. Then the bodies were sent to Cox’s Bazaar Sadar Hospital for autopsy.

Several senior officers of the district administration and police and Buddhist community leaders visited the spot. But none of the culprits has yet been arrested.

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