Star reporter sued for using the word ‘indigenous’

Hill Voice, 22 August 2019, Khagrachari:  A ward councillor in Khagrachhari filed a case against a reporter of The Daily Star on Tuesday for using the word indigenous in a report.

Ward-2 Councillor Masum Rana, who is also the president of a regional group called, Parbatya Adhikar Forum, filed the case against Sanjoy Kumar Barua, correspondent of the newspaper in Bandarban.

The case was filed with Chief Judicial Magistrate’s Court in the district.

The plaintiff alleged that the journalist intentionally made provocations to destroy peace in the hills in the report titled, “Three indigenous villages face land grabbing”.

After recording the case, the court directed the Police Bureau of Investigation of Chattogram to investigate the matter and submit a report by September 12.

The complainant could not be reached over the phone for comment.

Source: The Daily Star

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