Tag: India Partition
The Partition:Is CHT occupied region, another Kashmir?
Pradhir Talukdar The prospect of that day is a fantasy of today. The possibility of 1947 is a daydream in 2019. However, nothing is impossible. [Read More…]
CNCI observes ‘Black Day’ against inclusion of CHT in Pakistan during Partition
Hill Voice, 17 August 2020, Tripura: The Chakma National Council of India (CNCI) today observed ‘Black Day’ in protest against inclusion Chittagong Hill Tract (CHT) [Read More…]
‘Inclusion of CHT in Pakistan during partition a big mistake’: Speakers at Black Day discussion
Hill Voice, 17 August 2020, Agartala: The inclusion of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Pakistan during the partition in 1947 was a big mistake. Today, [Read More…]
17th August: The Black Day of the Chakma Community-III
Niranjan Chakma Events during partition in the CHT: On 3 June 1947, the fixed schedule of India-Pakistan partition i.e. gaining independence of both the countries [Read More…]
Virtual discussion of Indian Chakmas on the occasion of Black Day on 17th August
Hill Voice, 16 August 2020, Agartala: As every year, this year the Chakma people living in different states of India are going to observe 17th August [Read More…]
17th August: The Black Day of the Chakma Community-II
Niranjan Chakma Conquest of the Chakma Kingdom by British: A long time before advent of the British in India, the Chakma community people had a [Read More…]
17th August: The Black Day of the Chakma Community–I
Niranjan Chakma ‘The 17th August shall be observed as the Black Day by the Chakma community people living in the northeast India every year’ – [Read More…]
History of Partition and Dominance in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
Pradhir Talukdar (Rega) Introduction: Most recently, Nikhil Chakma from Rangamati has taken an initiative. Considering the historical responsibility of inclusion of the Chittagong Hill Tracts [Read More…]