Tag: Dhaka
Indigenous Organizations mourn the death of Kamal Lohani
Hill Voice, 21 June 2020, Dhaka: Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations are deeply shocked by the death of prominent journalist and cultural figure Kamal Lohani. Language soldier [Read More…]
Indigenous women in abject misery for being dwelt in marginalization: Menon on Women’s Day
Hill Voice, 9 March 2020, Dhaka: On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2020, an assembly of discussion, awarding honor and staging cultural function was [Read More…]
31 thousand Hindus oppressed in 2019: Hindu Grand Alliance
Hill Voice, 6 January 2020, Dhaka: In comparison to the previous years, the number of Hindus fallen under oppression has got enhanced in 2019. By [Read More…]
No progress in implementation of the Accord, despite 4th meeting of accord committee held

Hill Voice, 20 October 2019, Sunday, Dhaka: The 4th meeting of the CHT Accord Implementation Monitoring Committee was held at the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban (Parliament [Read More…]
RAB battalion for CHT on cards, violating the CHT Accord
Hill Voice, 11 October 2019, Friday, Dhaka: According to report of The Independent (Deepak Acharjee) dated October 10, a total of 677 posts in 14 [Read More…]
Cultural program by Moanoghar held in Dhaka
Hill Voice, 06 October 2019, Sunday, Dhaka: A cultural program was performed by Moanoghar, a popular educational institution in CHT, at Shilpakala Academy in Dhaka [Read More…]
Meeting of the CHT Land Commission held in Rangamati
Hill Voice, 12 September 2019, Thursday, Rangamati: Meeting of the Chittagong Hill Tracts CHT (CHT) Land Dispute Resolution Commission was held at Rangamati Circuit House [Read More…]
New executive committee of Hill Artist Group formed
Hill Voice, 27 May 2019, Monday, Dhaka: New executive committee of Hill Artist Group, an indigenous artist organisation was formed where Lovely Chakma as president [Read More…]