Tag: #CHT
Two Jummas beaten, house searched by army in Farua
Hill Voice, 8 March 2024, Rangamati: Two Jummas were beaten up by the Tangkoytang army camp commander, and a Jumma house was surrounded and massively [Read More…]
Plots of grabbing Jumma’s lands by Bengali settlers in Bilaichari
Hill Voice, 9 February 2024, Rangamati: The Bengali settlers, from Kengrachari union of Bilaichari upazila under Rangamati hill district, have reportedly been making conspiracy to [Read More…]
1,933 Jummas subjected to human rights violations in 2023: PCJSS report
Hill Voice, 2 January 2024, Special Correspondent: In 2023, 240 human rights violations were committed by security forces and law enforcement agencies, army-backed armed terrorist [Read More…]
Transit road construction underway destroying plantations, no compensation, in Jurachari
Hill Voice, 24 December 2023, Rangamati: Destroying plantations and without any compensation to the affected families, the ongoing transit road work is allegedly being expanded [Read More…]
Army patrol operation, harassment cause panic in Rangamati
Hill Voice, 23 December 2023, Rangamati: It has been reported that harassing patrol operations were conducted by army in Balukhali, Jibtali and Mogban union of [Read More…]
CHTIPCC urges DPKO to stop recruitment of BD army
Hill Voice, 23 December 2023, International Desk: CHT Indigenous Peoples Council of Canada (CHTIPCC) urges Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) of the United Nations to [Read More…]
Army operation continues in Balukhali and Jibtali, houses searched
Hill Voice, 10 December 2023, Rangamati: It has been alleged that the army continue patrol operation, house search breaking doors and taking away ID cards [Read More…]
Govt’s opinions on implementation of CHT Accord completely baseless
Mangal Kumar Chakma The 26th anniversary of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Accord is being celebrated. But a treaty like the CHT Accord could not have been properly implemented as [Read More…]
Discussion meeting on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of CHT Accord in Agartala
Hill Voice, 2nd December 2023, Agartala: Today 2nd December 2023 a discussion meeting titled “Human Rights Situation of the Minority in Bangladesh: In the Light [Read More…]
Observation of 26th anniversary of CHT Accord with various programs in different places
Hill Voice, 30 November 2023, Special Correspondent: To observe the 26th anniversary of the historic Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Accord on December 2, 2023, various [Read More…]