Conclusion of PCP’s 28th Central Council and representative Conference in Rangamati

Hill Voice, 22 May 2024, Rangamati: Nipon Tripura as President, Rumen Chakma as General Secretary and Supriya Tanchangya as Organizing Secretary has been elected in the 28th Central Committee of Parbatya Chattagram Pahari Chatra Parishad (PCP).

With the slogan “Jumma students-youths should be more involved in the larger movement to implement the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord, shunning self-centeredness, opportunism and vacillation”, a day-long event of the PCP was held yesterday on May 21, 2024. More than three hundred representatives and observers from different districts, metropolis, universities, thana branches, colleges, city committees participated on the occasion.

Vice-president of Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti Ushatan Talukder was present as chief guest in the first session of the conference while vice-president of the PCP Milan Kusum Tanchangya was in the chair and Assistant General Secretary of the PCP Rumen Chakma moderated the session. General Secretary of PCP Thwaikyajai Chak presented the overall report in the session.

Ushatan Talukder in his speech said that the student society is a floating class. This class may or may not contribute to the overall movement of a society. But, you seem to lack feeling, perception and realizing. Because, how can a sensible person be silent such a difficult situation. Death was better than that.

He said to the leaders and workers of PCP, only having self-confidence, we can develop. And if we can build up ourselves, it is for the party, the movement, the society.

He also said that a large part of our youths is addicted to drugs. Gang culture has increased in the country. The number of drug addicted youths is also increasing in the hills too. Alcohol is being sold freely. The ruling class wants the youths to stay drunk. We can’t be drunk. We have to turn around and keep waging the struggle.

In the second session chaired by the PCP Central President Nipon Tripura, central member of the PCJSS Sadhuram Tripura was present as the chief guest there.

Speaking as the chief guest, Sadhuram Tripura said, “Where there is exploitation and oppression, there is resistance. In the eighties, it was the young student society who took the responsibility to lead the movement, so in today’s context, the students must take responsibility in the struggle to establish the right to self-determination. The PCP was born demanding the rights of the students, eight lakh Jumma people are the source of the movement’s strength. The Accord not only within Bangladesh, but it has an international validity. If the political continuity is maintained, we will never be disappeared, so, all that required is the solidarity and unity of the students.

A 33-member central committee was unanimously elected in the council with Nipon Tripura as the president, Rumen Chakma as the general secretary and Supriya Tanchangya as the organizing secretary in the 28th central committee of the PCP. Assistant Students Affairs Secretary of the PCJSS Jewel Chakma administered the newly elected committee.

At the beginning of the second session of the conference, the joint general secretary Rumen Chakma presented the proposal to amend the by-laws of the PCP, while the organizing secretary Supriya Tanchangya presented the recommendations of the departing committee. With the consent of the councillors, both the proposal to amend the by-laws and the 14-point recommendations proposed by the outgoing committee of the PCP were accepted.

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