Category: CHT Accord
CHT Accord: Farce and Deception of Sheikh Hasina Government
Priti Bindu Chakma In 1980s, it has been only the Awami League, amongst the national political [Read More…]
Theoretical Thoughts on the CHT Accord: Looking back over the past 22 years
Anurag Chakma Tomorrow’s sunrise will add 22 years to the history [Read More…]
Peculiar and silly withdrawal of camp by BGB in Barkal!
Hill Voice, 25 April 2020, Rangamati: In the name of implementation of Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord (CHT Accord), Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) has put up [Read More…]
Land Commission meeting in Bandarban lands in quorum crisis
Hill Voice, 03 February 2020, Bandarban: On 3 February 2020, the meeting of the CHT Land Dispute Resolution Commission had been in quorum crisis. Out [Read More…]
10th Meeting of Task Force decides to rehabilitate returnee refugees & IDPs
Hill Voice, 22 October 2019, Tuesday, Chittagong: 10th meeting of Task Force on Rehabilitation of India-returnee Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons has been held at [Read More…]
No progress in implementation of the Accord, despite 4th meeting of accord committee held

Hill Voice, 20 October 2019, Sunday, Dhaka: The 4th meeting of the CHT Accord Implementation Monitoring Committee was held at the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban (Parliament [Read More…]
Meeting of the CHT Land Commission held in Rangamati
Hill Voice, 12 September 2019, Thursday, Rangamati: Meeting of the Chittagong Hill Tracts CHT (CHT) Land Dispute Resolution Commission was held at Rangamati Circuit House [Read More…]
Meeting between Ministry of CHT Affairs and CHT Regional Council held in Dhaka
Hill Voice, 15 May 2019, Wednesday, Dhaka: A meeting between the CHT Regional Council (CHTRC) and Ministry of CHT Affairs (MoCHTA) was held at MoCHTA [Read More…]
Land disputes of refugees and IDPs prioritized in resolution, LC meeting decides

Hill Voice, 19 March 2019, Tuesday, Rangamati: The cases of returnee Jumma refugees and internally displaced persons would be given priority in resolving land dispute [Read More…]
Withdrawal of temporary camp decided in the meeting of CHT Accord Implementation Committee
Hill Voice, 19 February 2019, Tuesday, Dhaka: A meeting of the CHT Accord Implementation Monitoring Committee was held at Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban in [Read More…]