Author: Hill Voice
The government continues to hurt the pigeon of peace in the Hills
Sajib Chakma The Government of Bangladesh led by Sheikh Hasina signed the ‘Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Accord’ with the Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) [Read More…]
Jumma house searched and belongings vandalized by army in Jibtali
Hill Voice, 10 July 2022, Rangamati: It has been alleged that a house of a Jumma villager was searched and the belongings were vandalized by [Read More…]
PCJSS delegate calls for implementation of recommendation of PFII-2011 on CHT
25 prominent citizens demand justice for attack and burning in indigenous locality in Mahalchari
Hill Voice, 8 July 2022, Khagrachari: Twenty-five prominent citizens of the country have given a joint statement demanding punishment of the perpetrators in the speedy [Read More…]
PCJSS delegate calls for implementation of recommendation of PFII-2011 on CHT
Hill Voice, 7 July 2022, International Desk: Augustina Chakma, delegate of Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) calls for implementation of the recommendations from the [Read More…]
Aggressive dev projects destructive to national existence of Jumma peoples, says PCJSS representative at EMRIP
Hill Voice, 6 July 2022, International Desk: Many aggressive development projects in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Bangladesh are destructive to the national existence [Read More…]
Augustina Chakma’s statement “on the impact of developments on indigenous women” at EMRIP, 6 July’22
PCJSS representative Augustina Chakma urges EMRIP for conducting study on land in UN, Geneva
Case filed after 12 days since murder in Bilaichari
Hill Voice, 5 July 2022, Rangamati: A case has been filed after 12 days since shooting dead of three members of the Tripura community in [Read More…]
37 houses set on fire and looted by Bengali settlers in Mahalchari, 2 Jummas injured
Hill Voice, 5 July 2022, Khagrachhari: It has been alleged that 37 houses of Indigenous Jumma villagers were set on fire, looted and vandalized in [Read More…]