An innocent Jumma villager detained by army in Rangamati town

Hill Voice, 30 October 2022, Rangamati: An innocent Jumma villager of Jibtali area who came to Rangamati district town has allegedly been detained by the army.

The arrested villager is Tukka Chakma (30), son of Amal Kanti Chakma, Village-Panchari Para, No.5 Ward, Jibtali Union, Rangamati Sadar Upazila. Today (October 30, 2022), the army has reportedly captured Tukka Chakma from Matrimangal area of ​​Rangamati town.

According to local sources, 5/6 days ago, Tukka Chakma admitted his pregnant wife to Rangamati Government Matrimangal Clinic. Tukka Chakma’s wife gave birth to a baby girl in that clinic.

Today, Tukka Chakma was waiting for the car on the side of the road getting out of the Matrimangal Clinic to buy medicine on the doctor’s advice when the child was sick. At that time a group of army came in a pick-up and arrested Tukka Chakma from there.

Soon after hearing the news of the detention, a group of public representatives and dignitaries of Jibtali Union came to Rangamati town and went to the Rangamati army zone and contacted the army authorities and demanded Tukka Chakma’s release.

At that time, the army authorities of Rangamati Army Zone falsely alleged that the arrested Tukka Chakma was in contact with the UPDF (Democratic) terrorists and visited to their den.

Several villagers, who did not wish to be named, said that Tukka Chakma is an innocent villager and earns a living as a daily wage labourer.

A village elder, who did not want to be named, said that a group of UPDF (democratic) terrorists has been staying in the Chairman Para of Jibtali Union of Rangamati Sadar Upazila for several years under the shelter of the army. Under the umbrella of the army, these terrorists carry out various terrorist activities in the neighboring Jumma areas from there.

He said it is a ridiculous and baseless allegation that the army arrested an innocent man like Tukka Chakma because of his links and connections with UPDF (Democratic) terrorists.

As of writing this report, the army has not released the detained Tukka Chakma.

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