Full implementation of CHT Accord will ensure democracy and the rights of all citizens in the country: Sharif Chauhan

Hill voice, 16 September 2023, Chittagong: The 84th anniversary of the great leader Manabendra Narayan Larma, Annual Branch conference and council of Pahari Shramik Kalyan Forum was held with the slogan “Recognize Constitutional rights to Indigenous peoples, implementation of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Accord, join the struggle to establish working people rights” on the initiative of Pahari Shramik Kalyan Forum at the Hotel Saikat Auditorium in Chittagong yesterday on 15 September 2023.

In the first session of the event, a discussion meeting was held on the occasion of 84th anniversary of the great leader M N Larma. With the chair of Amar Krishna Chakma, president of Pahari Shramik Kalyan Forum and conducted by Jagatjyati Chakam, General Secretary of the Forum, the event was inaugurated by Ad. Nitai Chandra Gosh, General Secretary, Chittagong Metropolitan unit of Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Cristian Oikyo Parishad where the chief guest was Sharif Chauhan, General Secretary, Chittagong district unit of Workers Party of Bangladesh.

With them among the other special guests were- General Secretary of Chittagong District of Oikya NAP Ajit Das, General Secretary of Sitakunda Upazila unit of Bangladesh Adivasi Forum Kanchan Tripura, Organizing Secretary of Central Committee of Pahari Chatra Parishad Supriya Tanchangya, and Education, Literary and Cultural affairs secretary of Metropolitan unit of Indigenous Women’s Forum Sukarna Chakma.

While addressing as chief guest Sharif Chauhan said, “M N Larma struggled to establish the rights of the indigenous peoples in line with the constitutional politics. During a crisis of constitutional politics in Bangladesh, he continued the struggle for rights through armed means. Even though he lost his life due to betrayal, the legacy of MN Larma’s struggle has not ended. The CHT crisis is not only a crisis of the hills, but also a crisis of the whole country. All progressive societies should come forward to solve this crisis. M N Larma’s struggle will be successful through the full implementation of CHT Accord. With the integrity of Bangladesh, only the full implementation of the CHT Accord through constitutional means, will ensure democracy and the rights of all citizens in the country.”

Advocate Nitai Prasad Ghosh said, “Rights of oppressed people will not be established in this country in an easy way. Minorities are being forced to leave the country due to the repression of the ruling party. We who are being deprived, have to form a united movement for the realization our demands. No matter where you live, you have to struggle and establish your rights on the path MN Larma has shown.”

Ajit Das said, “M N Larma has spoken on behalf of the neglected and oppressed people of the society. Rights are not given to anyone so easily; rights are to be gained. The present generation of the Jumma Society must take responsibility and realize the dream that MN Larma dreamed of.”

Kanchan Tripura said, “Indigenous peoples must be united. We have to follow the teachings of M N Larma and protest against the injustice of the ruling class.”

Supriya Tanchangya said, “M N Larma has awakened up the dormant Jumma peoples and brought them into a united movement. M N Larma’s ideals should be imbibed by Jumma students and youths. Students and youths have no choice but to move forward in the path shown by him in establishing rights. Jumma young generation should participate more actively in the struggle for the implementation of the CHT Accord”

Sukarna Chakma said, “M N Larma has shown a dream in the eyes of the disenfranchised Jumma people. Struggle arose out of his consciousness. Women, like Kalpana Chakma should join the struggle for rights. Freedom of women is not possible, without the freedom of oppressed people.”

In the second session of the event, the Annual Branch Conference and Council of the Thana and Unit Committees of Pahari Sramik Kalyan Forum was held. S J Chakma, Central Member of Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samity, Amar Krishna Chakma, President of Pahari Sramik Kalyan Forum, Vice President Anil Bikahs Chakma, Vice President Dhishan Tanchangya, PCP Chittagong Metropolitan Branch General Secretary Binimoy Chakma, Antar Chakama, General Secretary, Chittagong University Branch of PCP and Sonabi Chakma, President of Indigenous Women Forum were present as speakers among others.

Speakers in the conference said, “At present CHT is going through an anarchic state. Although the CHT Accord is passing its 26 years, the Accord has not yet been implemented properly and fully. There is no alternative but to implement the CHT Accord to establish the Jumma people’s right to self-determination. We have to be more active and united in order to get the rights. To protect our existence, we have to continue to fight and struggle by holding the idealistic revolutionary spirit of the great leader.”

In the conference and council, 10 thana and unit committees of Pahari Sramik Kalyan Forum and Adivasi Women’s Forum were re-formed. General Secretary of Pahari Sramik Kalyan Forum, Jagatjyoti Chakma read out the oath to the newly formed committees.

At the end of the council, a colorful cultural function was performed by Hengrong Cultural group.

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