House searched, golden chain snatched by UPDF (Democratic) in Rangamati

Hill Voice, 23 August 2023, Rangamati: It is reported that a gang of army supported UPDF (Democratic) terrorists numbering some 10-12 led by Prabesh Chakma and Milton Chakma searched Bifala Chakma’s house on August 24, 2023, at around 8.30 pm in Vedvedi area of Rangamati town under Rangamati District.

While searching, the terrorists ransacked the belongings of the house and mugged golden chain from Bifala Chakma’s neck. In addition, they snatched away some amount of money accumulated in an earthen bank by her son.

Whilie leaving, the terrorists threated Bifala Chakma not to disclose the matter of snatching the golden chain and the money.

During the search, the terrorists reportedly asked the whereabouts of Bifala Chakma’s husband Prabin Chakma.

As per local source, on 17 August, an armed group numbering 7-8 of UPDF(Democratic) terrorists stationed in Jibtali union in Rangamati Sadar upazila support of the army went on a patrolling to neighboring Gargayjachari and Duluchari area in Mogban union under Rangamati hill district.

Previously, on 11 August 2023, a team consisting three members of UPDF (Democratic) and Reformist groups stationed in Subalong bazar reportedly had a secret talk with a three-member team of DGFI of army intelligence agency at Chang-Pang restaurant around 12 am.

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