Press conference of CHT Accord Implementation Movement: 7-point demand prioritizing implementation of the Accord

Hill Voice, 24 August 2024, Dhaka: Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord (CHT Accord) Implementation Movement has held a press conference with an urgent call to put the implementation of the CHT Accord on priority list of the workings of the interim government. In addition, for this purpose, the interim government is called upon to take immediate measure by highlighting 7 points of demand and immediately implement 5 issues for implementing the said demands and putting the implementation of the CHT Accord on the priority list of the government’s schedules.

Today (August 24) at 11 am, this press conference is organized at Sagar-Runi Auditorium of Dhaka Reporters Unity on the initiative of the platform.

The joint coordinator of the Movement Zakir Hossain moderated the event while the joint coordinator of the CHT Accord Implementation Movement and the professor of social science Department of Dhaka University Dr. Khairul Islam Chowdhury presented the focal point. Besides, Professor of Department of Mass Communication and Journalism of Dhaka University Robayet Ferdous, human rights activist Meinthin Pramila, Dipayan Khisa spoke among others in the event.

Highlighting the keynote Professor Dr. Khairul Islam Chowdhury said that in the new government’s journey building a new Bangladesh, we are standing at a new turning point of an important possibility to the implementation of the historic CHT Accord. For 26 years, most of the core issues of the Accord have remained unimplemented leaving the indigenous peoples of the CHT and citizens across the country in an uncertain state. The full and proper implementation of this Accord is essential not only for the lasting peace and stability in the CHT, but also for upholding the dignity and rights of all indigenous peoples of Bangladesh and at the same time for the national unity of the country.

He added that for more than a year, the CHT Accord Implementation Movement has been tirelessly advocating for the full implementation of the Accord along with the countrymen. We have worked to ensure that the voices of the hill people and the majority Bengali community are simultaneously heard loud and clear. Our movement has united the political, social, cultural, student-youth and human rights organizations across the country to demand the implementation of the Accord aiming to establish permanent peace in the CHT across traditional boundaries.

From the press conference seven points of demand were raised to the government. Briefly, the demands are- 1. Adoption of a timetable action plan to implement the Accord, 2. To stop military interference in the CHT, 3. Empowerment of Regional Council and Hill District Councils, 4. Land rights and rehabilitation, 5. Economic Inclusion and Development, 6. Adoption of strong representative democratic system for the indigenous peoples in the plain land and 7. Establishment of a separate land commission for the indigenous people of the plains.

In his keynote address, Prof. Khairul Islam Chowdhury called upon the government to take 4 prompt initiatives to speed up the implementation of the CHT Accord and 1 for the indigenous peoples of the plains. The 5 issues include: 1. Reformation of the CHT Accord Implementation and Monitoring Committee, 2. Activation of CHT Land Dispute Settlement Commission, 3. To hold dialogue with Regional Council, 4. Reformation of Advisory Council of CHT Ministry and 5. To take initiatives to protect the indigenous peoples of the plains.

Besides, Zakir Hossain said that many people are highlighting their own demands to the new interim government. We are also calling on this government on behalf of the CHT Accord Implementation Movement to put the implementation of the CHT Accord on the priority list. For that we are raising our demands.

Professor Robayet Ferdous said, I have seen an unprecedented participation of our indigenous students in the 2024 mass uprising. We have witnessed writings on the wall of Dhaka University – where is Kalpana Chakma? Why the hill is under the boot? Our Bengali students cannot tolerate our army for two months. But for the past 50 years, the hill people have been enduring the brutal military rule. Why will there be democratic rule in 61 districts of Bangladesh and military rule in the remaining three districts? I always that we are not against the military but the military regime.

He also said that many people are saying that the autocratic Sheikh Hasina government has gone away. But why are we raising the issue for the implementing the CHT Accord or against the militarization in the CHT. Then is it so- we use the indigenous community in our need and throw them away when we do not need them? We must speak out against all sorts of oppression. We must speak for the smallest minority people. We noticed how the oppression of the entire population has been carried out from the women to children of the Bawm community. Specially, we have to ask question about the oppression on indigenous women. Because when there is an oppression on a community, then the women are the worst victims.

Meinthin Pramila said, in comparison the land problem of the indigenous peoples of the plains is more complicated than that of the CHT. I am a member of the Rakhine indigenous community. In Barguna and Patuakhali area, the lands of indigenous people are still being grabbed. Their crematories, temples are being occupied. In new Bangladesh, they have to voice about this oppression.

Human rights activist Dipayan Khisa, member of the CHT Accord Implementation Movement Murshida Akhter Daisy, President of Bangladesh Youth Union Khan Asaduzzaman Masum, General Secretary Bangladesh Students Union Bahauddin Shuba, Executive Director of Kapeng Foundation Pallab Chakma, Jumma Citizen Society Leader of Dhaka Dr. Ajay Prakash Chakma and Central Information and Publicity Secretary of Bangladesh Adivasi Forum Hiran Mitra Chakma were present at the press conference.

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