Allegation of extortion against zone commander in Jurachhari

Hill Voice, 29 August 2024, Rangamati: The zone commander of Banajogichara army zone of Jurachari upazila of Rangamati distric, Zulfiqli Arman Bikhyata, has been accused of massive extorting money for long time misusing his power.

Yesterday (August 28), several traders and villagers who did not wish to be named reported this extortion case again. They said that recently zone commander takes either cement or iron rods or other materials or cash from every timber or other traders.

Some precedents of recent extortion by Zone Commanders are-

(1) He extorted 100 sacks of cement from Rangamati timber trader Md. Zakir.

(2) He also took 300 kg iron rod from another businessman named Sonkhu Chakma.

(3) He took 100 sacks of cement from a trader named Jitulal Chakma of Shilchari area in Jurachari.

(4) This army officer forced a trader Md. Shah Alam from Rangamati to give him100 sacks of cement.

(5) He also took 300 kg of iron rods from another trader Md. Hira of Rangamati.

It is also known that he does not allow any vehicles carrying goods without giving him such items or cash money. In addition, he charges Tk. 50 per foot from each timber permit while transporting. And, from every timber permit he takes 30 logs of teak trees.

Recently, it is known that he collected Taka 6 lakh per month from cigarette traders. Apart from this, it is reported that this army official has extorted money from timber trader Md. Kashem and the cattle traders Md. Sahabuddin of Jurachari.

It is believed that the cement and iron rods extorted from the traders are later shown by him as purchases for the camp or the army. In this way, he embezzles government fund.

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