Discussion meeting held on 52nd founding anniversary of PCJSS in Baghaichari

Hill Voice, 15 February 2024, Rangamati: A discussion meeting titled ’52nd founding Anniversary of Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) and movement for self-determination of Jumma People’ was held at Baghaichari in Rangamati hill district on Thursday (15th February).

The event, organized by the “52nd Founding Anniversary Celebration Committee of PCJSS” was presided over by Sushil Chandra Talukder, convenor the committee held at Ugalchari Mukh (Battala) Community centre.

Sumati Ranjan Chakma, vice-president of Rangamati district committee of the PCJSS was chief guest and Prabhat Kumar Chakma, former president of Baghaichari thana committee of PCJSS was key discussant while Montu Chakma, a member of the committee, moderated the event. Besides, three Union Parishad chairmen of Baghaichari (Marishya, Khedarmara and Sarwatuli Union), and Karbari representative Bishwapriya Chakma, member of Juba (youth) Samity spoke as special guests among others there.

Sumati Ranjan Chakma in his speech as the chief guest said, PCJSS, the guardian and political organization of the Jumma peoples in Chittagong Hill Tracts, has entered into 52 years today passing through blood-slick struggle after many ups and downs and ignoring threats of the ruling groups. The eventful journey of it is a matter of great pride.

He said, after the formation of the great party on February 15, 1972, many thought that the life of this party would be short, it would not last long, it would not be able to survive. But it is encouraging that today the party has entered into 52 years. The progressive party PCJSS has stepped at 52 years with the Jumma people of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT). In fact, the individuals or parties who once made these frustrating comments do not exist today. They have been eliminated.

He added said, there is no reason to despair. In 52 years, no one could destroy the party, nor could separate the party from its goal, objective, principle and ideology for a while, and will not be able in the future. The great party PCJSS must one day establish a society of free from exploitation and discrimination with the Jumma people who have been being exploited, deprived and oppressed for ages.

Prabhat Kumar Chakma said in the speech as key discussant, it is not possible for a person to do something very big. Looking back at history, it can be seen that all the nations or community enjoying rights in the world have not been able to establish their rights alone. All of them were united by a party and managed to get their right to live after a long struggle. The same way to meet the need of time, in CHT too, PCJSS was emerged this day, in 1972.

He said, I think no ruler can ever abolish this great party. In the course of struggle of the history of the party, whenever so many times the rulers, parties or organizations have attempt to hurt and eliminate this party, the party has become stronger, the workers of the party have become more militant. I also wholeheartedly believe that only PCJSS and its leadership will be able to preserve the national existence and homeland of the Jumma people, implement the CHT Accord and establish the long cherished right to self-determination.

Sumedh Chakma in the speech as special guest and a member of Baghaichari Juba Samiti said, the leadership which has no progressive thought, spontaneous participation of people and any specific goal, objective and ideology, and is isolated from the people, such a leadership is not long lasting, the destruction of it is inevitable. The PCJSS is such a sole political party in the hills that have all these within the party and leadership. And it is a glaring example of PCJSS that it has reached its 52nd anniversary today.

At the beginning of the discussion, 1 minute silence was observed in memory of those who sacrificed their lives in the struggle to protect the existence of the Jumma people and the existence of the homeland. Mr. Subrata Chakma, member of the founding anniversary celebration committee, delivered his welcome speech in the event.

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