A Marma villager shot, extorted by KNF terrorists in Ruma

Hill Voice, 13 February 2024, Bandarban: It has been reported that an innocent Marma villager of Ruma Sadar Union of Ruma Upazila under Bandarban District was shot by army-created Kuki-Chin National Front (KNF) terrorists known as Bawm Party at around 6 am today (13 February). The terrorists also allegedly extorted Tk 50,000 from another Marma villager.

The name of the injured person is identified as Uhlaching Marma (40), s/o Mongnak Marma, Village- Rejuk Marma Para, Ward No. 9, Ruma Sadar Union. It is known that Uhlaching Marma’s home is in Basadya Para village. He has been living in the village of Rejuk Marma Para for long.

It is reported that early this morning an armed group of KNF terrorists numbering 24 persons suddenly entered Rejuk Marma Para firing blank bullets. At that time, there was a lot of panic among the villagers. As soon as the terrorists entered the village, they saw Uhlaching Marma in front and shot at him. Uhlaching Marma was shot in the abdomen and waist and was seriously injured.

It is reported that the injured Uhlaching Marma has been admitted to Ruma Upazila Hospital. It is learnt that the condition of Uhlaching is critical. So he was immediately transferred to Bandarban Sadar Hospital.

Besides, the terrorists entered the houses of the village and carried out extensive searches and ransacking the belongings. It is learnt that the terrorists forcibly took 50,000 taka from a Marma villager named Khyau Marma.

It is reported that the KNF terrorists are currently stationed in the Table Hills adjacent to Artha Para in Ruma and the hills between Palika Para and Eden Para in Ruma Sadar. From there they are conducting their terrorist activities in the surrounding areas.

Some local residents alleged that the army pretended not to know the whereabouts and activities of KNF terrorists.

It is to be noted that just a few days ago, on February 7, 2024, a group of KNF terrorists severely beat up two Marma villagers of Nyongkhyong Para, Paindu Union of Ruma Upazila. Besides, on the same day, 6 Marma villagers of Nyongkhyong Para and Parua Para of the same union were abducted and detained for several hours.

Earlier (January 14) KNF terrorists abducted Pindu Union Parishad Chairman Uhlamong Marma (50) and though released later due to public pressure, but took away Tk 30,000 and a mobile phone from the abductee.

An elder from Bandarban, who did not wish to be named, said that since the dialogue of the KNF with the Peace Committee on November 5, 2023, the terrorist activities of the KNF terrorists have increased. One of the points of agreement between the two sides in that meeting was that the KNF and the army would not attack each other during the dialogue. In fact, using this opportunity, the KNF terrorists have recklessly intensified their terrorist activities in the area, including extortion, kidnapping, beating people.

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