KNF indulges in indiscriminate extortion, torture in Bandarban

Hill Voice, 16 December 2023, Bandarban: KNF terrorists allegedly extorted money halting bikes and vehicles on Ruma-Rowangchari road in Bandarban hill district. Along with, it was also alleged that one person was beaten up, poultries were taken away and residents of a village were confined for 2 days.

The armed terrorists of KNF snatched away TK 1000 blocking two bikes at TK 500 each at the mid-point between Abichalita Para and Durnibar Para of Ruma-Rowangchari road on Friday (December 15), from 9.30 am to 3.00 pm.

At the same place, the terrorists also mugged Tk 6000 from two jeeps at Tk 3000 each while these were on way back to Ruma from Rowangchari at 3.30 pm.

Meanwhile, on 13 December 2023 at 12.05 pm, Chosingmong Marma, son of Shaithoaikhoi Marma from Kyaklungkhyong Para was brutally beaten by the KNF terrorists, who were already staying at Faroa Para, when he paid a visit to the neighbouring Faroa Para. It is reported that the KNF terrorists told the victim, “Why are the Kyaklungkhyong Para’s people here?” Afterwards, without words, he was beaten mercilessly with bamboo stick.

On the other hand, getting out all the villagers of their houses in the yards, the KNF terrorists ransacked the houses and they took away 10-12 kgs of chicken and a domestic dog. During the robbery, the KNF terrorists threatened them, “You will face dire consequences if you inform the matter to any media, security forces or intelligence agencies.”

In addition, it was reported that the KNF terrorists confined the inhabitants, on 13 and 14 December for two days, of Faroa Para.

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