Observation of 26th anniversary of CHT Accord with various programs in different places

Hill Voice, 30 November 2023, Special Correspondent: To observe the 26th anniversary of the historic Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Accord on December 2, 2023, various programs have been undertaken by Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) and different organizations of civil society in different parts of the country including Dhaka. The Accord was signed between the Government of Bangladesh and PCJSS on 2nd December in 1997 with a view to resolve the CHT problem through political and peaceful manner. But, the government has not implemented most of the fundamental provisions of the Accord. Even, the PCJSS alleges that the government has been carrying out various activities and conspiracies against the Accord and Jumma peoples’ interests.

This year, the PCJSS and various organizations are going to organize mass gatherings, discussions, rallies and cultural programs on the occasion of the day- calling for a greater movement to implement the Accord by resisting all conspiracies.


On the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Accord, PCJSS and Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum jointly are going to organize a discussion meeting on 2nd December, 2023, at Muktijudda Jadughar auditorium on Saturday (2 December) at 10.15 am.

Jyotirindra Bodhipriya Larma (Santu Larma), president of the PCJSS and Bangladesh Adivasi Forum, will deliver speech on the status of the Accord and the overall situation in the hill.

Advocate Sultana Kamal, Co-Chairperson of the International CHT Commission, Dr. Mesbah kamal, Coordinator of the Parliamentary Caucus on Indigenous and Minority Affairs and Professor of Dhaka University, Poet and Journalist Sohrab Hasan, Ruhin Hussain Prince, General Secretary of Bangladesh Communist Party, Rajekuzzaman Ratan, Joint Secretary of the Bangladesh Socialist Party, Robayet Ferdous, Executive President of Sammilitya Samajik Andolon and Professor of Dhaka University, Zakir Hosain, Joint Coordinator of the CHT Accord Implementation Movement, Sanjeeb Drong, General Secretary, Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum, Jahangirnagar University teacher Dr. Snigdha Rezwana will speak among others as honourable guest in the event.

Jalimong Marma, assistant general secretary of the central committee of PCJSS will deliver welcome speech while Nipan Tripura, president of the central committee of Pahari Chatra Parishad will speak as the student and youth representatives. Besides, Politicians, university teachers, civil society representatives, journalists, human rights activists, student and youth society representatives and Indigenous leaders will also be present at the discussion meeting.


On the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Accord, discussion meeting, rally and cultural program will be organized at the JM Sen Hall premises in Chittagong on the initiative of the ’26th Anniversary Celebration Committee of CHT Accord’ on 1st December 2023 (Friday), at 2:00 pm.

The general secretary of Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council advocate Rana Dasgupta will present as the chief guest while Tapas Hor, convener of the anniversary celebration committee, will preside over the meeting, with the slogan “The CHT Accord must be fully implemented with the aim of protecting national existence, developing the society and culture of the Jumma people and establishing sustainable peace”

On the other hand, various political leaders, teachers, journalists, women leaders, human rights activists, lawyers, students and civil society leaders will attend the event and express their solidarity.

Rangamati Sadar:

With the slogan “Strengthen Jumma National Unity and Solidarity, resist all kinds of conspiracies and strengthen the larger movement to implement the CHT Accord” gathering, mass music and mass meeting will be organized, on the initiative of Rangamati district unit of PCJSS on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Accord, a charter for just right to Jumma peoples as well as hill inhabitants, on 2 December 2023, at Rangamati Kumar Sumit Roy Gymnasium premises at 10 am.

Rangamati district unit president of PCJSS Dr. Ganga Manik Chakma will preside over the event and Ushaton Talukdar, vice-president of PCJSS will be present as chief guest. Besides, eminent personalities and leaders of associate organizations will speak in the Mass gathering.


In Baghaichari upazila of Rangamati district, on the initiative of “Baghaichari upazila residents”, to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the Accord, gatherings and mass music will be organized at 9 am and mass rally at 10 am, on 2nd December 2023, Saturday.

Alive Chakma, president of Union of Baghaichari unit of PCJSS will preside over the grand gathering where Suman Marma, Central Member of PCJSS will present as chief guest. Bijoy Keton Chakma, president of MN Larma Memorial Foundation will be as key discussant there.

Jiko Chakma, President, Pahari Chhatra Parishad, Rangamati District Branch and Piel Chakma, President, Pahari Chhatra Parishad, Baghaichari Upazila Branch will also speak there.


On December 2, 2023 (Saturday), Jurachari residents will organize a rally to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the Accord.

The gathering will be presided over by Nila Chandra Chakma, Member of PCJSS, Jurachari Unit and Sumit Chakma, General Secretary of Jurachari unit of PCJSS will be present as the chief guest. Apart from them, the presidents of various village branches committee and Karbaris will present there.

Moreover, it has been learnt that mass gatherings in different areas of Longudu, Barkal and Bilaichari upazilas will be held to mark the day.

Bandarban District:

On the initiative of locals, discussion meetings will be organized at two places of Chimbuk area in Bandarban hill district on 2 December 2023, in the morning.

Discussion meeting in Tripura:

A discussion meeting will be organized by “Campaign for Humanity Protection” at 10:30 AM on 2 December 2023, at Agartala, the capital of Tripura State, India. Prominent human right activists and citizens of Tripura will speak in meeting to be held on the day while President of Campaign for Humanity Protection Niranjan Chakma will preside over it.

In addition, it has been reported that on the 26th anniversary of the CHT Accord, a painting competition and discussion meeting will be held on 2nd December 2023 at Pecharthal, Tripura on the initiative of “The Jumma Times”.

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