HWF demands exemplary punishment to rapists of indigenous women

Hill Voice, 30 October 2023, Rangamati: Today (30 October 2023) at 3 pm, a human chain was organized at the Rangamati DC office premises by Hill Women’s Federation (HWF) demanding exemplary punishment for raping an indigenous woman in Manikchari and attempting to rape a schoolgirl in Longdu.

Dhaka city committee president Chandrika Chakma conducted the event while central committee organizing secretary Mranuching Marma of HWF presided over it. Advocate Jewel Dewan, General Secretary of Parbatya Chattagram Juba Samity of Rangamati district committee Sumitra Chakma, Central Organizing Secretary of PCP Supriya Tanchangya and General Secretary of HWF Shantidebi Tanchangya delivered their solidarity speech there.

Whilie delivering solidarity speech, the speakers said sexual violence against Jumma women in Chittagong Hill Tracts is a common phenomenon. These are happened due to impunity culture in the region. Even though the accused are arrested, they are not brought to book as per the law. As a result, the perpetrators dodge punishments and commit such crimes. It is the exemplary punishment that prevent the culprits from committing such crime.

The speaker added due to non-implementation of Chittagong Hill Tract Accord signed to settle the CHT crisis, the incidents of sexual violence against Jumma women are prevalent. Even after 26 years of signing the Accord, the government has not implemented the fundamental issues of the Accord. The advancing of implementation of the CHT Accord has been virtually kept aside. If the Accord would have implemented, such a shameful incident would not have reoccurred to Jumma women.

The speakers strongly demanded the administration to immediately arrest Mohammad Masum who attempted to rape a Longudu indigenous schoolgirl and give the maximum punishment under the law to the three accused in the Manikchari incident along with the full and proper implementation of the Accord.

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