Harassing patrolling operation by army in Rangmati

Hill voice, 21 September 2023, Rangamati: It is reported that harassing patrolling operations have been conducted by army in Mogban and Balukhali union under sadar upazila in Riangamati.

According to local source, a patrolling team numbering 21 personnel including ansar led by Subedar Md. Saiful from Gabaghona army camp of Jibtali union, went to Ward No.3 of Mogban union by trawler and stationed at a Para Kendra (UNICEF school) near the Gyanalal Chakma’s house at Gohrahaba village on 17 September 2023, at 12.30 pm.

The day after they stayed at the Para Kendra school, the army patrolled to Sambulal Chakma’s house at Gargoyjachari village on 18 September 2023, at around 9 am and returned to Gabaghona army camp at 10.30 am.

On the other hand, another army patrolling team numbering 28 personnel led by Camp Commander Captain Abdullah from the Marichyabil Army Camp of Balukhali union went on patrol by trawler and took position at Basanta Junior High School at 2 pm on 21 September 2023. It is reported that they moved around the school and came back to the school at around 9 pm and the next day on 22 September 2023, they backed to their camp at about 11 am.

The patrolling operation of the army spread panic among the local people and hinder their normal life.

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