Army also obstruct construction of upazila building in Jurachari

Hill Voice, 29 August 2023, Rangamati: It is reported that the army obstructed even construction of Jurachari upazila building construction in Jurachari upazila of Rangamati hill district. Just hours before, Hill Voice published a report of obstruction of Jurachari Upazila Health Complex Building and boundary wall by army.

Today (29 August 2023), at around noon, one local source reported that Jurachari army authority hindered even the work of Upazila building construction in Jurachari Sadar.

The source said that when a tender worth Tk 6 crore and 52 lakh was called on behalf of LGED Directorate for construction of Jurachari upazila building, different constructing agencies participated there. However, a contracting agency named Messrs U T Mong got the final work order for the construction work. After getting the order, the contracting agency U T Mong have already completed a lot of the construction work. But, suddenly for unknown reasons, the army obstructed the construction work and made the agency to stop it.

Upazila Engineer Md. Matiur Rahman himself and the supervisor of the contracting Agency Md. Hossain informed the matter of interruption by the army to the Upazila Chairman.

It is reported that the Upazila Chairman of Jurachari upazila, Suresh Kumar Chakma have in the meantime informed the matter to the Deputy Commissioner of Rangamti hill district.

It is to be noted that just today around the morning, it has been alleged that the army obstructed the construction work of the Jurachari upazila health complex.

According to local sources, when a tender was called from the Department of Health Engineering for constructing the upazila health complex building and its boundary wall in Jurachari, among the different contracting agencies, the contracting agency named U T Mong got the work. When the contractor started working of the boundary wall of the complex, the army from Jurachari army camp obstructed it.

As per information, the main reason of the obstruction is, 7 Bengali families are living there illegally within the boundaries of the health complex. Once the boundary wall is made, as rules go, the Bengali settled illegally there would be evicted from.

It is reported that Dr. Nihar Ranjan Nandi, Civil Surgeon of Rangamati Sadar Hospital visited the site for investigation. However, the latest information of the situation is yet to be updated.

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