PCP’s 34th Founding Anniversary and 27th Central Council: Students-Mass gathering in Rangamati

Hill Voice, 19 May 2023, Rangamati: Tomorrow, May 20, Parbatya Chattagram Pahari Chatra Parishad (PCP), a fighting student organization of the Jumma people of Chittagong Hill Tracts, is going to cross 34 years of its glorious struggle. On this occasion, tomorrow on May 20 the 34th founding anniversary and 21 May, 27th Central Council will be held in Rangamati under the initiative of the organization.

On this occasion, a two-day program will be inaugurated tomorrow at 10 am in the Rangamati Gymnasium ground and a student-mass gathering will be held with the slogan ‘Students and youth society, participate more in the larger movement for the implementation of the CHT Accord’.

Ushatan Talukder, vice president of Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) and former Member of Parliament, will be present as the inaugural and chief guest in the opening ceremony and student-public gathering. General Secretary of Bangladesh JASAD Nazmul Haque Pradhan, President of Bangladesh Chatra Maitri Atulan Das (Alo) will be present as special guests. PCJSS, Parabatya Chattagram Mahila Samiti, Parbatya Chattagram Juba Samiti, Hill Women’s Federation and leaders of progressive intellectuals, teachers and indigenous student-youth organizations will be present in the program. PCP president Suman Marma will preside over the student-public gathering.

The next day on May 21, 2023 at 10 am, the organization’s representative conference and central council will be held at Rangamati Cultural Institute Hall. The representatives of various universities, colleges, metropolitan, district, upazila branch committees along with the central leaders of the organization will speak. A new central committee of the organization will be formed on this day.

It is to be noted that the Parbatya Chattagram Pahari Chatra Parishad (PCP) was formed in Dhaka on May 20, out of protest against the barbaric “Longadu Genocide” that took place at Longadu in Rangamati on May 4, 1989. Since its inception, the organization has been fearlessly protesting against all kinds of injustice, torture and discrimination against the Jumma people by the ruling group and has been playing an active and strong role in the movement to establish the right of self-determination of the Jumma peoples under the leadership of Jana Samhati Samiti.

The birth of the Parbatya Chattagram Pahari Chatra Parishad is a very important event at a stage of the movement to establish the self-governance and self-determination of the Jumma people of the Chittagong Hill Tracts under the leadership of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Jana Samhati Samiti after the independence of Bangladesh. The establishment of PCP in the context of the suppression of the movement for the establishment of Jumma people’s rights by the ruling group of Bangladesh and the conspiracy to destroy the national existence of Jumma peoples through massacre and killings one after another, created great courage and enthusiasm in the minds of the Jumma students-youth society and the nation.

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