Chhatra League leader Md. Shahriar Khan Shaon arrested on charges of attempted rape of indigenous Garo woman

Hill Voice, 26 April 2023, Sherpur: General Secretary of Jhinaigati Upazila Chhatra League Md. Shahriar Khan Shaon has been arrested by the police on charges of attempted rape of an indigenous Garo woman in Jhinaigati Upazila of Sherpur district.

Md Shahriar Khan Shaon was sent to prison yesterday 25 April 2023, Tuesday, after his arrest on Monday 24 April 2023.

Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Jhinaigati Police Station Monirul Alam Bhuiyan confirmed this information to the media.

It is known that the victim filed a written complaint against Chhatra League leader Shaon at Jhinaigati police station on Monday afternoon.

Following the complaint, the police arrested Shaun that evening.

When asked about the incident, OC Monirul Alam Bhuiyan said that the rape attempt took place on Saturday (April 22) night. The police have started a detailed investigation in this regard.

President of Jhinaigati Upazila Awami League SM Abdullahel Warez Naim said that the Central Chhatra League expelled Shawon from the organization last Tuesday.

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