Hindu Mohajote demands reservation of 50 seats for Hindus in Parliament

Hill Voice, 12 March 2023, Special Correspondent: Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mohajote has formed a human chain in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka and in front of the Jhalakathi District Commissioner’s office in Jhalkathi district, demanding 50 reserved seats and the re-introduction of separate electoral system for the Hindu community in the upcoming national elections.

Dhaka Human Chain:

In a human chain organized in front of the National Press Club on Saturday (March 11), the leaders of the organization said that there are various kinds of torture on the Hindu community at different times in the country. Not only torture, people of Hindu community were compelled to leave the country due to various reasons. But the national parliament has played a silent role in solving the problems of minorities. Because there is no MP in Parliament to represent the Hindu community. 50 seats should be reserved for Hindu community immediately.

Speakers also said that despite the demands of the Hindu Buddhist Christian Oikya Parishad formed in 1988 demanding the abolition of state religion Islam and the return of the 1972 Constitution, the present government changed the stand after assuming power and brought two demands namely formation of the Minority Commission and enactment of the Minority Protection Act which confused the Hindu society.

The leaders said that in 1909, the Muslim community demanded separate electoral system in undivided India. In response to their legitimate demands, the British government introduced separate electoral system in the Government of India Act of 1919. This system was in operation till 1954 after the establishment of Pakistan. In the East Pakistan Provincial Assembly, 72 seats were reserved for minorities through separate elections. Out of which the seats of Hindus were 69. After the establishment of Pakistan, a vested section abolished the system of reserved seats.

The re-introduction of reserved seats in the Jatiya Sangsad and the separate election system has now become a national demand, the speakers said, mentioning that the Hindu community has always supported the Awami government by voting. If the bill re-introducing reserved seats for Hindu community and re-introduction of separate electoral system is not introduced before the next elections, then the Hindu community of the country will be compelled to boycott the vote.

General Secretary of Hindu Mahajote Gobind Chandra Pramanik, Senior Vice President Pradeep Kumar Pal, Office Secretary Kalyan Mandal and others spoke at the human chain under the chairmanship of Hindu Mahajote Executive President Dinabandhu Roy.

Jhalakathi Human Chain:

The leaders of Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mohajote have formed a human chain in Jhalakathi for various demands including reserved seats in the Jatiya Sangsad. The human chain was held in front of Jhalakathi Deputy Commissioner office at 10 am on Saturday (March 11).

Manik Acharya, president of Jhalakathi district branch of Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mohajote, led the human chain. Speakers in this human chain for almost an hour allegd that there are 16 Hindu parliamentarians in the current parliament. But they have no role in solving the problems of the Hindu community. Because, they cannot speak outside the will of the party. They strongly demanded the government to amend the constitution and introduce reserved seats and separate electoral system for religious minorities before the next elections to resolve the situation. They warned that otherwise the country’s Hindu community would be forced to take programs like boycotting votes.

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