A 7 grade Jumma schoolgirl raped in Ramgarh

Hill Voice, 25 March 2023, Khagrachari: Another indigenous Jumma schoolgirl of grade 7 was allegedly raped by two settler motorcycle riders in Patachhara area of Ramgarh in Khagrachari.

On Thursday (March 23) two Muslim Bengali settlers named Md. Shaheen Alam and Md. Ali are reported to have committed this rape incident. However, the police have not arrested them yet.

With this, 7 indigenous Jumma women and girls were killed and sexually assaulted within a month and a half from last February 10th.

An accused was arrested in only one of the seven incidents. 9 people involved in the remaining 6 incidents are still at large.

So far, none of the incidents of violence against Jumma women and girls have been properly prosecuted. Due to this lack of justice, criminals continue and commit such incidents again and again. As a result, Jumma women today are forced to live in extreme insecurity.

In fact, if introduction of special governance system for CHT, resolution of the land problem, cancellation of all land leases given to non-locals, demilitarization of CHT region by withdrawing all temporary camps, rehabilitation of settlers outside CHT with dignity, etc. are implemented properly, then violence against indigenous women and girls could be reduced at some extend, opine many human rights activists.

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