If action not taken, perpetrators will be encouraged- Adv. Sushmita at PCP’s human chain in Rangamati

Hill Voice, 27 February 2023, Rangamati: Advocate Sushmita Chakma, at a human chain organized under the initiative of Parbatya Chittagong Pahari Chatra Parishad (PCP), Rangamati district branch to protest the rape of a Marma woman in Fasiakhali of Lama in Bandarban, said that if action is not taken through a fair investigation of the rape incident, the perpetrators will be encouraged. None of us will be safe if this continues.

Today 27 February 2023, Monday, at 3:00 PM, this human chain was held in front of the Rangamati DC office to protest the rape and demand the immediate arrest of the rapist Kaiser and appropriate punishment.

Rangamati District Judge Court Advocate Sushmita Chakma, PCP Central Committee Vice-President Thowaikya Jai Chak, Parbatya Chattagram Juba Samiti General Secretary of Rangamati District Committee Sumitra Chakma, Rangamati District Committee President of Hill Women’s Federation Mranu Sing Marma spoke at the discussion meeting presided over by PCP Rangamati District Branch President Jiko Chakma and moderated by General Secretary Tikel Chakma.

Speaking in solidarity speech, Advocate Sushmita Chakma said that the local residents of Lama beat up the rapist and handed over the rapist Kaiser to the law enforcement agencies. However, she wants an answer from the administration as to how the criminal rapist Kaiser escaped from the hospital by breaking through the security cordon of law-and-order forces.

She said, we have smart police force. There are law enforcement forces including army and RAB. If they are sincere, it is not difficult to catch the culprit and take appropriate action against him. She demanded immediate arrest of the rapist Kaiser, exemplary punishment through fair investigation.

She also said that in our country especially girls and young women are being raped, suppressed and oppressed one after another. Hill women are no exception. Due to the fact that hill women are weak in all areas including education, economic field, they always become the target of rape. In this case, the oppressors are always strong, always powerful. Those who are powerful always cooperate the criminals. Due to which the criminals are getting courage to do the same again and again. Although some of the rape cases have been prosecuted, most of the women have not yet received proper justice.

PCP Central Committee Vice-President Thowaikya Jai Chak said that the Chittagong Hill Tracts is not outside the territory of Bangladesh. Every time we have protested by standing on the streets in cases like rape. Why won’t my sister be safe in today’s independent Bangladesh soil, which was obtained in exchange of blood of 3 million martyrs and the honor of numerous mothers and sisters committed by the Pakistani invaders during the great liberation war of 1971? Why would they be unsafe inside and outside the house? Why would they be raped?

He also said that in the incident of rape that took place in Lama of Bandarban last Friday, the ward member and UP chairman of that place have helped the criminal and the victim is being threatened in various ways. Yesterday the rapist Kaiser escaped from the hospital. Till today, all the national parties that are here have not protested against all the incidents of rape, all the crimes perpetrated in the hills.

He also said that until the CHT Accord is not properly implemented, no rule of law will be established here. He demanded the immediate arrest of the rapist Kaiser and exemplary punishment.

Sumitra Chakma, General Secretary of Rangamati District Committee of Parbatya Chattagram Juba Samiti, said that today hill women are being raped one after another in Chittagong Hill Tracts, and are being killed after being raped. But we are not getting any justice. The rapist is being given shelter. It is the job of the public representative to rush morning and afternoon to where people have problems. But the Fasiakhali Union Parishad chairman of Lama has been supporting the rapist. It cannot be accepted. He demanded the immediate arrest of the rapist Kaiser and appropriate punishment and requested the government for a permanent solution to all the problems of the Chittagong Hill Tracts through the proper implementation of the CHT Accord.

Mranu Sing Marma, president of Rangamati district committee of Hill Women’s Federation, said, if a Marma woman in Lama upazila of Bandarban district was raped by the settler Kaiser while looking for vegetables at noon in her area, then where is the safety of hill women today? The UP Chairman who helped escape the rapist Kaiser is as guilty as the rapist. Let him be brought to justice along with the rapist and let the rapist Kaiser be arrested and punished accordingly.

Ronel Chakma, organizing secretary of PCP Rangamati district branch, gave a welcome speech at the human chain.

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