CPB condemns arson & attack on Mro village in Lama

Hill Voice, 5 January 2023, Dhaka: Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) President Mohammad Shah Alam and General Secretary Ruhin Hussain Prince in a statement expressed their strong condemnation and outrage over the incident of arson, assault and looting at night in Rengyen Mro Karbari Para of Lama immediately and demanded the identification persons involved in the incident and its supporters and punishment to them.

In the statement, the leaders said that there are repeated incidents of arson and attacks in Rengyen Mro Karbari Para in Sarai Union of Lama Upazila by ‘Lama Rubber Industries Limited’ in Bandarban, while the administration is not taking any role in protecting the lives and land of the indigenous peoples who have been living there for ages. Such incidents cannot happen again and again without the help of the administration.

The statement sent to the media demanded the rehabilitation and safety of the victims.

According to the statement, due to the non-implementation of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Agreement properly and fully including the implementation of the CHT Land Dispute Settlement Commission as per the agreement to solve the land problems of the CHT, the vested interests are carrying out various types of encroachment. In the statement, the leaders demanded the security of the indigenous peoples and the full implementation of the CHT Accord.

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