An innocent Jumma detained by army in Rangamati, house searched

Hill Voice, 15 January 2023, Rangamati: An innocent Jumma villager from Mogban Union area of Sadar Upazila under Rangamati district was oppressively detained and his house was searched by the Bangladesh Army and around two lakh takas in cash was allegedly taken away.

Yesterday (January 14) at around 12:00 midnight, it was reported that this incident was carried out by a group of army personnel of Jibtoli Army Camp of Jibtoli Union of Rangamati Sadar Upazila.

The victim has been identified as Bhagyadhan Chakma (42), son of Bindu Lal Chakma, from Dogeiya Para of Ward No. 1 of Mogban Union.

According to local sources, yesterday night, a team of 20/25 personnel from Jibtoli army camp went on a patrol operation in Dogeiya Para village. At around 12:00 pm, the army team surrounded the house of the said Bhagyadhan Chakma, woke up the people of the house and conducted massive search in the house and ransacked the belongings of the house.

At that time, when the army recovered 1 lakh 71 thousand takas belonging to Bhagyadhan Chakma, the army personnel snatched them and immediately tied Bhagyadhan Chakma with a rope and took him to Jibtoli army camp.

It is said that the people of the house were surprised and frightened by the inhuman and unjust behavior of the army.

As of writing this report, Bhagyadhan Chakma has reportedly been detained at Jibtoli army camp.

It is also learnt that today (January 15) around 3:00 PM, a group of police from Kotwali police station of Rangamati went to Bhagyadhan Chakma’s house to investigate and returned after a while.

A resident who did not wish to be named said that Bhagyadhan Chakma is an innocent villager. There is no case against him. He has no affiliation with any political party. He said that the army conducted the raid completely unjustly with the intention of creating fear in the area, oppressing the Jumma people, harassing and extorting money.

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