Rape case filed by victim Jumma woman in Sajek, rapist arrested

Hill Voice, 28 July 2022, Rangamati: The indigenous Jumma widow woman (38) who was raped by a road construction Bengali worker in Sajek union of Baghaichari upazila under Rangamati district filed a case of rape with Sajek police station. It is reported that the police arrested the alleged rapist the next day after the news of the incident spread through various online and social media including the Hill Voice.

It is to be noted that initially the incident was reported as an attempt to rape by various online and social media including the Hill Voice, but it was actually taken place to be a rape incident. Last July 25, 2022, the victim woman filed a complaint to the officer-in-charge of Sajek police station.

On the same day, the plaintiff’s complaint was received at Sajek Police Station as Case No. 1, Tang 25/07/22, Section: 9(1) of Prevention of Oppression Against Women and Children Act of 2000 (amended in 2003).

The name of the worker involved with rape incident was identified as Md Rusel Mia (24), son of late Aynal Haque, from Bara Merung Area of Ward No. 5 of Merung Union under Dighinala Upazila in Khagrachari Hill District. Accused Md Rusel is currently a laborer in the border road construction work being carried out by the army in Sajek.

The victim Jumma woman mentioned in her statement, “I earn my living by working in Jum farm. Last 24/07/2022 around 16:05 (4:05 PM) like every day I was returning home via border road to Bara Kamalak after finishing Jumfarm work. It was raining a lot. Due to the rain, there was no movement of people around. The above defendant Rusel was working on border roads. He saw me and followed me for no reason. After going some distance, when I reached the side of Bishwamani Chakma Jumfield, defendant Rusel stopped me by calling and saying, ‘Didi, what vegetable is in your back basket?’ I told him that I had no vegetable to sell. While I was saying this, the accused Rusel threw the basket on my back, grabbed me and threw me into the Jumfield, pulled my blouse and Chakma thami (traditional dress) and tried to pulled out my petticoat, and when I screamed, he held my mouth and forcibly raped me against my will. After the rape, defendant Rusel grabbed my throat and threatened me that, “If you tell anyone about this incident, I will kill you.” Later, I begged him very much that I will not tell anyone about the today’s incident. You let me go home. After hearing my pleading, defendant Rusel dropped me down in the Jumfield and went towards the border road. After the defendant Rusel left, I got up from Jumfield with great difficulty and came home and narrated the details of what happened to me to my family and relatives.”

After hearing the news of the rape incident, social media and the local residents created a lot of anger. They demanded proper trial of the incident and exemplary punishment of the rapist.

Several villagers, who did not want to reveal their names, said that criminals are repeatedly committing such heinous incidents because such miscreants are not punished properly and exemplary.

It is known that last month also in the Chayanalchara area of Sajek, a Bengali raped a local Jumma girl. But the matter was reportedly covered up.

In this regard, if the administration does not take firm action against these miscreants Bengali settlers, several villagers have expressed their fear that many unpleasant incidents may happen in the future.

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