A Jumma injured in mine blast planted by RSO/ARSA in Naikhyongchari

Hill Voice, 7 March 2022, Bandarban: It has been alleged that an innocent Jumma villager has recently been seriously injured in a mine blast planted by Rohingya Muslim militant group RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization)/ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army) in Ghumdhum Union area of Naikhyongchari upazila under Bandarban Hill District.

The villager injured has been identified as Sujan Tanchangya (22), son of Aungshamong Tanchangya, village- Banshpari, No. 3 Ghumdhum Union, Naikhyongchari Upazila.

According to local sources, Sujan Tanchangya went to look for cows in the middle of their village on March 1, 2022 at around 12:00 noon. At a stage of searching for the cows, Sujan Tanchangya was seriously injured when he was hit by a sudden explosion of a mine planted by RSO / ARSA.

Later, villagers rescued Sujan Tanchangya and he is currently undergoing treatment at Chittagong Medical College Hospital.

According to villagers, members of the Rohingya Muslim militant group RSO / ARSA have been stationing in the 39-pillar area on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border in Banshpari village of Ghumdhum Union for a long time. They have planted dangerous mines in the area for their safety.

The villagers said that they were being compelled to live a very risky life and to cultivate Jum (shifting cultivation) through fear.

According to local sources, the local Marma and Tanchangya people have been subjected to various forms of harassment and torture in the Ghumdhum area by members of the Rohingya militant groups.

In recent months, Rohingya Muslim militant groups have been clashing with Arakan armed rebels along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border in Ghumdhum Union in Naikhyongchari, according to credible sources. Dozens of members of the ARSA and the RSO as well as many members of the Arakanese guerrilla forces were killed in the clashes, the source said. As a result, the locals in the border areas of Ghumdhum Union are being forced to live in extreme panic.

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