25 Rohingya workers arrested by the army in Alikadam

Hill Voice, 10 February 2021, Bandarban: It has been reported that the army has arrested 25 Rohingya workers from Chhotebeti area of Kurukpata union under Alikadam upazila of Bandarban district.

After the evening of February 8, 2021, a group of the army raided the remote Chhotebeti area and detained the Rohingyas. The army later handed over the detainees to Alikadam police station.

According to local sources, the army first detained 24 people on the basis of secret information that a large number of Rohingya were working as construction workers who had fled from the Rohingya camp in the remote Chhotebeti of Kurukpata Union in Alikadam. Later, another Rohingya was detained at Kanamajhi check post on his way to Alikadam Sadar.

Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Alikadam Police Station, Kazi Rakib Uddin, said a case has been filed against the arrested smugglers including Yaba and sent to the court on Sunday morning. The detained Rohingya refugees have been sent to the Kutupalong camp in Cox’s Bazar.

It is to be noted that the news of illegal entry of Rohingyasin Chittagong Hill Tracts including Bandarban has come up in different media at different times. There are even allegations that many Rohingyas have secretly enrolled voters in hilly areas and obtained citizenship certificates in collaboration with a vested interest group.

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