Attempts to obstruct news coverage by fake accusing of copyright infringement against the Hill Voice

Hill Voice, 20 October 2020, Special Report: In recent days, several individuals and organizations while using fake names and addresses, have been repeatedly filing allegation with the Hosting Provider one after another on copyright infringement against the Hill Voice with a dishonest motive to obstruct the news flow of the online newspaper. But subject to producing precise explanations and valid evidences, the Hill Voice has been continuingly rendering factual-reality-based news while making all the ill-attempts of the conspiring quarters of vested interest spell total failure.

It is noteworthy to be mentioned that the Hill Voice had been blocked in the country on part of Bangladesh government on 16 April 2020. Despite so, the Hill Voice is accessible in other countries and also in Bangladesh, as the Hill Voice can be accessed by applying alternative means. Despite being blocked in Bangladesh, even for not being able to discard the Hill Voice from articulation and for meeting successive failures in isolating it from the readers and viewers, the Army and DGFI vis-à-vis the government side has not yet given up their ill-attempt of creating obstruction to the Hill Voice by resorting to guise of fake names and addresses.

On 27 September 2020, one Syed Farhan from Washington DC (having cell phone no. +1-52634789659 and email:, the first guised ghost to launch allegation of copyright infringement with the Hosting Providers falsely accusing the Hill Voice by claiming that the Bangla news of Hill Voice titled: “House of a school teacher searched and harassed by army in Baghaichhari” published on 26 September 2020, to have been his own news, which had been made public by the Hill Voice without obtaining his permission and infringing the copyright.

Hill Voice explained to the hosting provider that the news is Hill Voice’s own news and its proper explanation and argument is presented and factual evidence is submitted. As a result, Syed Farhan’s complaint was rejected by the hosting provider after having proper explanation and submission of evidence. The hosting provider also apologized to Hill Voice for the temporary inconvenience.

Afterwards, on 29 September 2020, as Syed Farhan submitted same allegation on the same news to the Hosting Provider. Syed Farhan’s complaint was again rejected by the hosting provider as a result of Hill Voice’s submission of proper explanation and evidence.

The next ill-attempt appeared on 7 October 2020, one SaimumShilpigosthi having address at 54 Super Market, Mongibai Road, Near Rly Stn, Vile Parle(e), Mumbai, India. The said Shilpigosthi claimed the Hill Voice’s Bangla news titled: “Idols of Durga temple vandalized in Patuakhali” published on 5 October 2020, to have been their own and filed allegation with the Hosting Provider accusing the Hill Voice of copyright infringement.

The Hill Voice informed the Hosting Provider with assertion that the news was its own and had been collected through own representative while the complainant organization and its allegation had been absolutely fake and baseless.

The Hill Voice further informed that Hill Voice is a fact-based news portal wherein, including other news, factual-reality-based news of various incidents on human rights violations perpetrated by the government and state machineries, are made public without biasness. It is for this reason, on part of the government and state forces, baseless allegations are being brought forth using fake names and addresses intending to conceal the human rights violations, to harass the Hill Voice and to obstruct its news coverage.

The incident of the genre that came as the latest was one Tasnim Khalil of Netranews, on 18 October 2020, using the same address of Mumbai, India, submitted the Hill Voice’s Bangla news titled: ‘Army-backed terrorists shoot at one Jumma shop in Matiranga’, dated 16 October 2020’ to the Hosting Provider claiming ownership of the news. Also this time, the Hill Voice placed proper explanations with evidence that has led to rejection of the allegation.

Thus, evil efforts of filing false and fake allegation against the Hill Voice accusing on copyright infringement over rendering news are being attempted to create obstruction in airing news. But the Hill Voice is continuing with rendering true and justified news while repelling the ill-efforts one after another.

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