House of a Jumma illegally searched by the army in Rangamati town

Hill Voice, 8 August 2020, Rangamati:  It is alleged that the army and DGFI personnel have searched houses of two Jummas who stay at the building of a Jumma service holder in West Tribal Adam of Rangamati town as tenant.

According to local sources, on 8 August 2020 Saturday at around 1.00 pm, first three DGFI personnel, then a group of army personnel in two vehicles came and surrounded the building of Bina Dewan at Tribal Adam. The owner of the house is a service holder at Sonali Bank.

After the rounding up, the army and DGFI members searched two Jumma houses at Bina Dewan’s building. At the time, a bearded Muslim CNG autorickshaw driver and two Jumma persons accompanied the army as informers and they reportedly showed the house.

Kamnashish Talukder is one of the tenants whose house was conducted the search. He is a job holder in the NBR. He was at home at the time of the search. Another name of tenant was not known. However, he is known to be a businessman. He was absent from the house during the search.

Army and DGFI members searched the beds, furniture, clothes, etc. of the house. The army reportedly checked the mobile phone call lists of family members and took pictures of everyone in the family. While leaving after the search, members of the army and DGFI threatened to return again for search.

As a result of such a sudden search, the common people of the West Tribal Adam are now in a state of panic and the situation in the area is tense.

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