8 acres of land of Jummas to occupy for a new BGB camp in Naikhyongchhari

Hill Voice, 3 July 2020, Bandarban:  It has been alleged that Naik Subedar Alamgir of Painchhari BOP Camp under 11th BGB Battalion of Dochhari Unionunder Naikhyangchhari Upazila of Bandarban District is illegally occupying 8 acres of land of Jumma people.

On 01 July 2020 Wednesday, the villagers of Painchari Ukyajai Headman Para including Mongpu Marma, headman of Targu mouza and Shwe A Nue, headman of Dochhari mouza, submitted an application to the Chairman of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council, Chairman of Bandarban Hill District Council, CHT Affairs Minister, Home Minister for immediate and appropriate action to cancel the process and proposal to set up an alternative Painchhari BGB camp illegally on the site.

It is learnt that the 8.0 acres of land of 2nd and 3rd class mentioned in the Holding No. 24, Khatiyan No. 29, Dag No. 1468 and 1473 is settled in the name of 5 sons of Boukhyan Marma.

According to the petition, the landowners have planted teak, mango, lemon, tamarind, banana, papaya and other orchards. The land mentioned is their ancestral homestead and one of their brothers’ house on the same place. That land is their only means of survival, they added.

On 14 June 2020 and 30 June 2020, Naik Subedar Md. Alamgir of Painchhari BOP Camp, quoting Zone Commander Lt. Col. Asaduzzaman, said that a proposal to set up an alternative BGB camp on this land was already put. A consent has to be written on a white paper that the land for setting up the BGB camp should be given when sought.

When the owners of the land expressed inability to give signatures, Naik Subedar of the camp threatened saying that it was the order of the Zone Commander. The Subedar of the camp is forcing land owners to take signatures on white paper from them, illegally enforcing various rules and regulations.

According to the landowners, there is already a Painchhari BOP camp within a distance of one km from the proposed land. BGB authorities have proposed to set up alternative camps on their land without prior informing them. The landowners are fearful of being subjected to false, fabricated and conspiratorial cases and various forms of harassment and torture by the BGB of the camp including taking the signature forcibly.

In this situation, the villagers submitted application to the aforesaid authorities to cancel the process and proposal to set up an alternative Painchhari BGB camp illegally on the site by taking appropriate and speedy legal action after conducting an on-the-spot investigation.

The landowners also provided copies to the Bohmang Circle Chief, Bandarban Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent of Police and Naikkhyongchhari Upazila Nirbahi Officer to take appropriate action.

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