Villagers attacked by masked terrorists at Jamchari, 1 killed, 5 injured

Hill Voice, 22 February 2020, Bandarban:  An 8/10-member armed group wearing half pant and mask while firing here and there entered Manik Ghosh’s tea stall in Jamchari Mukh Bazaar at 6:30 pm on 22 February 2020. By then the Rajvilla Union’s No. 7 Ward Awami League President Bachanu Marma who was sitting inside was in an attempt to flee away. While fleeing, the assault terrorist group killed him by shooting in chest, belly and back.

During the fire, Mong Kyaw Ching Marma (25) and Kyaw Prue Marma received bullet hits. While going out of the tea stall, the terrorists shot at the ex-UP member U Chaw Thuwai (60), Hla Mong Ching Marma in front of another shop and Aadame Marma at the Bouddha Temple gate – all of them sustained wounds. One Ba Khoi Marma, an inhabitant of Jamcharimukh village died at her residence in heart failure due to fear on hearing the sounds of fire.

It is learnt from the local residents’ source that quite a couple of years back, the leaders of Jamcharimukh Para and a good number of other villages got divided into two sides centering the leadership of Ward No. 7 and extension of dominance. One of the sides is headed by the Awami League leader Mongpu Marma who was kidnapped while the other side is led by brother U Chaw Prue Marma, a leader of the national opposition party, BNP.

Since sharp contradiction exists between the two brothers as over the political issue and so is over the family and property related issues also. The time is as such that the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), also called Mog Party enjoys monopoly dominance in various areas of Bandarban hill district. Hence, many are also in opinion that the contraction of brothers might have been capitalized and conspired the said incident using the ALP, in a bid to create an anti-PCJSS mass opinion.

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