MN Larma Memorial Cricket Tournament 2020 held in CU

Hill Voice, 28 February 2020, Chittagong University:  On 28 February at around 4:00 PM, the Hill Student Council (PCP), Chittagong University (CU) Chapter organized a prize giving ceremony and the closing session of MN Larma Memorial Cricket Tournament 2020 at central field of the campus.

Assistant Professor Dr. Md. Saidul Islam of Bio-Chemistry and Molecular Biology Department of CU inaugurated the tournament as chief guest where among others Suman Marma, Rintu Chakma, Ba Mong Ching Marma, Milan Kusum Tanchangya, Mong Wai Ching Marma, Hemanta Tripura from PCP and Rina Chakma from Hill Women’s Federation (HWF) were present in the program.

Naboday Chakma, joint convenor of organizing committee of this tournament gave his welcome speech where Srabon Chakma conducted and Ashutosh Chakma presided over the program accordingly.

The final match was played between the team Hill Force (2019-20 Sessions) and Tazingdong (2018-19 Session). Hill Force got 127 runs in their first innings. Tazingdong Team had to beat 128 run to win. Finally, they caught the target keeping 17 balls to play.

Uttam Tripura from Tazingdong was selected as man of the final where captain of Tazingdong Akkoy Tripura, Lemon Chakma of Hill Brothers Team and Aung Swaipru Marma selected as man of the tournament, highest run beater and highest wicket hunter respectively.

Chief guest Dr. Md. Saidul Islam in his speech said that sports is important for students to develop his/her physical and mental health. This game also bring all together. Jumma students should back to their own roots and walk for their nation. Students are the future in every society. Likewise, jumma students are also the future of jumma nation.

In the prize giving ceremony, speakers said that every jumma students should know about his/her own nation/society and the history of oppression, exploitation, suppression upon them. Students should stand against it. MN Larma stood and fought against it. We could follow him.

It is worth mentioning that the MN Larma Memorial Cricket Tournament 2020 was inaugurated on 15 February with the participation of 13 teams.

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