House of Juba Samity president searched by BGB in Barkal

Hill Voice, 14 February 2020, Barkal, Rangamati:  On 14 February 2020, a 10-12- member BGB group from Jagannathchara BGB camp searched 3-4 houses including the house of Lakkhiraj Chakma, President of Aimachara UP Branch Juba Samiti, for twice.

Firstly, they searched from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon and afterward from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm during which the army entered Lakkhiraj Chakma’s house by breaking the door and abused in very bad languages.

Lakkhiraj was not present during this time. During the searching, BGB members abused and harassed Lakkhiraj Chakma’s wife, mother and children.

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